Working version of LOINC Doc Ontology axis values

The “working” version of the LOINC Document Ontology axis values is posted here:

We’ll try to keep this up-to-date as discussion about this area evolves.

Subject Matter Domain

41. Radiology

b. Nuclear Radiology

Why not Nuclear Medicine?

Good point…it appears to be an oversight on our part. A primary source for the list of Subject Matter Domains was the ABMS listing of physician specialties/subspecialties.

We also filled in non-physician areas with recognized domains as well. The subject matter domain of Nuclear Radiology is a subspecialty of Radiology from the American Board of Radiology. However, ABMS also recognizes the American Board of Nuclear Medicine and its specialty of Nuclear Medicine, which we do not appear to have on our list of Subject Matter Domains.

I’ll follow-up with the LOINC DocOntology folks to see if they have other comments.

Further clarification on different requirements for Nuclear Radiology and Nuclear Medicine certification:

Nuclear Medicine should definitely be added to the list. We in the VA realized this omission a little while ago and have since added it as a Subject Matter Domain. We discovered, however, that we really did not need to have Nuclear Radiology once we added Nuclear Medicine, and have since suggested to users of our Title Standard alternate SMD’s of either Radiology or Radiation Oncology.

I’ve added Nuclear Medicine as a SMD in the working version on the website.