Structure of panel file

Hello, I have a question about the structure and parsing of the panel files:

The panel 10170 is listed in LOINC_248_LabPanels.xlsx

The panel definition starts on row 30. It has the standard structure of a header row

followed by panel memeber.

10170 24317-0 CBC WO diff Bld 10170 6 24317-0 CBC WO diff Bld

10170 24317-0 CBC WO diff Bld 10171 1 24358-4 CBC WO Platelets Bld

10170 24317-0 CBC WO diff Bld 10180 2 26515-7 Platelet # Bld

10170 24317-0 CBC WO diff Bld 10181 3 28542-9 PMV Bld

The LOINC code 24317-0 is also a member of other panels:

10942 and 12201 which appear to be deprecated.

There are other listings for 24317-0

on row 524-526 for panel 10943

on row 1823-1825 for panel 12202

These listing do not have the same format as 10170:

10943 24317-0 CBC WO diff Bld 10944 1 24358-4 CBC WO Platelets Bld

10943 24317-0 CBC WO diff Bld 10953 2 26515-7 Platelet # Bld

10943 24317-0 CBC WO diff Bld 10954 3 28542-9 PMV Bld

These entries appear to be a re-statement of 10170 but all the ids are different.

Other entires such as 24320-4: Bas Metab 1998 Pnl SerPl appear once but do not have

the header row that indicate a new panel.

To correctly parse this file (and the other panels) should we only read in those entries

were the first row has the parent-loinc field the same as the loinc field. The panel would be

the following entries with the same parent-id?

Thank you for you help,

John Mapoles