Spanish Translate

Please. How can I translate the terms into Spanish? Or is there someone who translates them? Thank you so much

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Hello, Luis. We have Spanish translations available in two dialects, Spanish (Spain) and Spanish (Mexico). They are options in SearchLOINC, as CodeSystem designations via our Terminology Service (API), and as our downloadable artifact known as Linguistic Variants. You can see more information on our available translations, including translator credits, on our International page.

Actually, we have three dialects of Spanish. There is an Argentinian one as well, however it is quite old and has not been updated since version 2.15. You can see the status of each translation in the LOINC release notes for version 2.78.

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Thank you so much. @timbriscoe I have already found the translations. I am from Argentina. But the most complete is Spanish from Spain.
I am not a doctor, Iā€™m a sysadmin, but maybe I can translate the missing terms for Argentina.

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