Seeking LOINC Code for Cytomegalovirus PCR in Body Fluids

I am a manager of data collection and genomic monitoring from laboratories, in the Israeli Ministry of Health.
I’m currently working with LOINC codes for hospital labs, and I’ve encountered a challenge that I hope someone here can help with. Specifically, I’m looking for guidance on what to do when there isn’t an exact match for our internal lab codes.

For example, one of our hospital labs has a code for ‘Cytomegalovirus PCR - Body Fluids.’ However, I can only find a LOINC code for Cytomegalovirus NAA in unspecified specimens, and I need to specify ‘body fluid’ as the specimen.

Can anyone provide advice on how to handle this situation? Additionally, I’m interested in connecting with others who use LOINC for lab coding to share experiences and learn from each other.

Thank you for your assistance!

Best regards,

Hello Nirit and Welcome to the LOINC Forum Community! I searched the online browser for "cmv fld dna " and ten result level LOINCs came up with one order panel LOINC. It is true the exact system of body fluid is not currently in version 2.78. There was a specific pericardial fluid, amniotic fluid and ocular fluid. If your laboratory will accept any body fluid and use the same result field for the answer, then you are indeed looking for the unspecified specimen LOINC.
I also looked in Submissions – LOINC to see if there’s a pending submission for CMV DNA in Body Fluid; there is not.
LOINC grows through the submissions from the public and we’re grateful to you and your organization to find this missing term.
Upon entering Your LOINC term request – LOINC you’ll have an opportunity to edit any of your contact information and there’s a link for basic template. Download a copy of that Excel file in order to propose a new term. If you need any further assistance with that template, please email me at I serve as the Laboratory Committee Chair at LOINC in a voluntary capacity.

This Forum is the correct place where people gather to discuss issues of their LOINC mappings. You’ve come to the right place, and perhaps a few more people will join in with encouragement for you.
All the best,
Pam Banning

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Thank you Pam, I will add my support to Pam’s response. IF you don’t find what you are looking for in Search LOINC, please feel free to submit and request what you are missing. The links that Pam provided are the ones to use. Please reach out for any inquiry and support you may need.

Eza Hafeza