Hi LOINCers,
Researchers at UCLA (and many other facilities) use the i2b2 Query & Analysis Tool (on de-identified EMR databases) where the terms are organized by LP- codes, presumably LOINC parts. We are looking into utilizing LOINC groups to make it easier to find the items of interest. I couldn’t find the information about LP codes on the web.
Would you know what is the source of these LP- codes and what is their relationship, if any, to LOINC groups?
What is the process by which the LP- and LG- codes are defined and generated? Are most of the lab result LG- codes algorithmically generated? E.g. a rule exists to group together an analyte level “in blood” and “in serum or plasma”. I assume that any logical collection of LOINCs that has utility as a set can be officially defined as a Group and that these can be defined ad-hoc as the needs arise.
Any insight will be greatly appreciated! We’re making a lot of assumptions at the moment.
-Thomas Chong, UCLA Health