README: Welcome to LOINC Community Forum! đź‘‹

We are so glad you joined us!

LOINC Community Forum

This forum exists to empower members of the extensive LOINC community to ask questions of and collaborate with their fellow LOINCers.

Looking back

This is the successor to the old LOINC User Forum. The entire history of previous posts have been loaded into a Legacy category. You are not able to add new topics/posts within this Legacy category or any of its subcategories. You can reply to threads that are less than six months ago (as of June 2023).

Moving forward

Our aim is to keep the structure of this forum very simple. For now, all new topics/posts belong in the sole category named General. We may re-evaluate this approach as activity increases.

Logging in

As with the previous forum, you can browse/search without logging in to the site. To add a comment or post your own thread, you will need to sign in. This forum uses the same LOINC username and password for which you have become accustomed. If you don’t have a LOINC login, you can quickly create one.

If you are logged in to the main site at, clicking the “Login In” button at top right will instantly sign you in here. If not, you will be redirected to to enter your LOINC username and password. After successfully signing in, you will return here.

Finding your way around

Here are a few tips to help you navigate this new forum. The main page of the forum is a list of topics in a reverse chronological order. Those with recent activity will appear at the top. Use the “+ New Topic” button at top right to create a new thread.

When viewing posts from others, you can reply or simply hit the :heart: to indicate you appreciate the topic or a reply. Just a reminder: all threads in the Legacy category older than six months have been closed so you cannot reply to those.

Searching the forum is easily done using the :mag: icon at top right. We’re calling the :left_speech_bubble: icon the forum menu. Here you can find links to categories, topics, user groups, and more. When you’re logged in, you’ll also have a circle icon with your avatar or initial. This is your personal menu with notifications, links to your forum preferences, and a log out option.

Have fun!

We hope this new forum will become an enjoyable destination and valuable resource for the wide community of LOINC users. If you have any questions or concerns about this new site, please tell us about it in new forum topic! If you feel it should be better handled in private, you can email us through our main website.