quantitative test of S-Phenylmercapturic-acid (SPMA or S-PMA) in urine

I’m looking for LOINC terms with component S-Phenylmercapturic-acid in urine, and also with the mass ratio S-Phenylmercapturic-acid/creatinine in urine.

This substance is described here with its chemical formula and a fair number of synonyms : https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/S-Phenylmercapturic-acid.

I can’t find any LOINC term for it, maybe because LOINC is using another synonym?

Thanks for pointing me to it if it exists. Otherwise I’ll make a request for its addition.

It is a marker of benzene intoxication, mostly in urine, but can also be measured on serum

A French public health reference: https://www.inrs.fr/publications/bdd/biotox/dosage.html?refINRS=Dosage_384

Hello Francois,

I could not locate the compound in LOINC either. A submission will be the best solution.

Kind regards,


what’s the LOINC code for urinary SPMA and TTMA? i could not find it.

Hello Ken,

I have not found a LOINC submission from @fmacary in the queue. While not having his direct email, we will try to contact him.

Thank you,


Hello Ken,

I have not found a LOINC submission from @fmacary in the queue. While not having his direct email, we will try to contact him.

Thank you,


Hi Pan and Ken

This is right: I have not requested yet the addition of this test to LOINC. Matter of prioritization of requests.

Ken if you want to request it yourself, please go ahead.

Here is (in English) a French lab catalog describing it:



Ken, let me know if you need assistance in making the submission. Happy to do it.
