Order Lab Test Without Specifying Method or Specimen or Other Properties


if doctor order just for example “Protein S” without anything else (method like chrom or other) how we could use loinc code to code the order? I searched in RELMA and find all code related to protein S but all has specific method in its properties.

how could we have a code without specific method in this case?


<colgroup> <col style="width: 65pt;" width="87" /> <col style="mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 21845; width: 512pt;" width="683" /> <col style="width: 65pt;" width="87" /> </colgroup>
5893-3 Protein S [Units/volume] in Platelet poor plasma by Chromogenic method Both
5892-5 Protein S [Units/volume] in Platelet poor plasma by Coagulation assay Both
31102-7 Protein S actual/normal in Platelet poor plasma by Chromogenic method Observation
27822-6 Protein S actual/normal in Platelet poor plasma by Coagulation assay Both
72337-9 Protein S Ag [Units/volume] in Platelet poor plasma by Immunoassay Both
87557-5 Protein S Ag and protein S Ag.free panel - Platelet poor plasma by Immunoassay Order
27823-4 Protein S Ag actual/normal in Platelet poor plasma by Immunoassay Both
58482-1 Protein S Ag/Coagulation factor IX Ag [Mass Ratio] in Platelet poor plasma by Immunoassay Observation
18345-9 Protein S Ag/Coagulation factor VII Ag Ag [Mass Ratio] in Platelet poor plasma by Coagulation assay Both
49640-6 Protein S Ag/Coagulation factor X Ag Ag [Mass Ratio] in Platelet poor plasma by Coagulation assay Both
4677-1 Protein S Free Ag [Units/volume] in Platelet poor plasma by Immunoassay Both
27821-8 Protein S Free Ag actual/normal in Platelet poor plasma by Immunoassay Both
13052-6 Protein S/Coagulation factor IX [Mass Ratio] in Platelet poor plasma by Coagulation assay Both
5891-7 Protein S+Acarboxy Ag [Units/volume] in Platelet poor plasma by Immunoassay Both

Hello Pourya,

Sorry for the delay. Could you tell us the aspect from which you are coding the physician’s orders? Are there multiple laboratories available for selection? Are you working with a laboratorian who can share information with you? Usually we suggest the laboratory select the LOINC terms appropriate for their testing catalog; it would be very rare for a lab to offer a great many Protein S studies. This initial step helps constrain the physicians’ options. After the result level LOINCs are performed; we have greater clarity on the order level LOINCs available. Single result assays have the same order level LOINC; group tests may have constraints placed on them with order level LOINCs.

I will watch this thread and answer you quickly to help your project advance. We are preparing for the Summer LOINC Conference this Thursday, June 6th. Hope you are registered to listen in through the telecon avenue.


Pam Banning

co-chair, Lab LOINC Committee

Hello Pam,

I’m working on a system for exchanging electronic prescriptions of doctors to unspecified laboratories. we planned to use LOINC order code set for physician prescription form and physicians usually don’t want to declare method of most of tests so the problem is there is no LOINC order code for tests like Protein S alone without specifying method!
how we could handle this kind of issues by LOINC guidlines? how other regions that use LOINC for ordering lab tests deal with it?

thanks in advance

Hello Pourya!

I apologize again for the delay in communications; it’s been a busy summer.

Laboratories that are set up to accept electronic orders should be familiar with HL7’s Electronic Directory of Services (eDOS) implementation guide. This would be a provision from the laboratories of the actual tests they perform, and the physicians could make their choice.

Best regards,

Pam Banning