Normative Answer List - Can Answer Options Be Omitted

Reading the definition of Normative Answer Lists:

Normative lists are those specifically defined by a validated instrument or other authoritative source. When using LOINC codes bound to normative answer lists, only answers in the specified set are allowed as result values. Examples of sources for Normative answer lists are PROMIS or the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC).

To me this reads as if answer options from normative answer lists must come from the provided normative answer list, but it is OK if the answer options in the assessment omit some of the answer options. For example, suppose the answer options of a normative answer list are:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure

Is it OK if in an assessment we only include the answer options

  • Yes
  • No

or is the expectation that all the answer options of a normative answer list must be present in the assessment.

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I have a similar question, but at the other end of yours. I’d like to extend a Normative Answer List like:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure
  • Maybe

However, most of what I’m finding (e.g. Daniel’s blog), suggests not modifying at all. Making me think the Answer List and likely the Question code shouldn’t be used. However, I’m wondering if that’s even allowed in a standardized ePRO like PROMIS-10 or PHQ-9.

In your example, it’d seem similar too since Daniel’s tone seems to imply nothing can be modified. Would love to hear others opinions.

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Hello Kyle and Brian, thank you for the question. Normative answer lists are based off of copyrighted material or scoring algorithms. Omission or changing of some of the answers would invalidate the intent of the originator. Usually the method attribute indicates the assessment where this term belongs.

If you have a similar question on an uncopyrighted assessment, may I suggest you work up a submission to Regenstrief, where a new term would have an example answer list? If you’d like help on starting a submission, email me at