
Where can I find and download the LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook?

You need to register on the LOINC website. If you haven’t done it, then please go ahead and create it . It is for free. Here is the link:

Afterwards you will be able to to get where the Playbook is on our website using the link below:

if you were not able to get it through these links, then please download in this case “Release 2.78” zipfile at Download LOINC – LOINC . Once downloaded, extract the fiels, and open the Accessory files folder, and you will find the file for the Radiology playbook :

Please let us know if you have any questions
Thank you


Eza Hafeza

Director of Terminology Services and Operations

Health Data Standards

Regenstrief Institute

1101 West Tenth Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202


Thank you. That was very helpful