LOINC mapping to influenza detection with PCR

Hi all, There are two similar tests which require LOINC mapping

They are RT-PCR for Influenzae A, H7 subtype’ and 'Influenza A virus H7 subtype PCR – screening

The different is that the ‘screening’ test may perform a PCR test for influenza A first to exlucde all flu A negative cases and will only perform H7 for flu A postive cases.

Both tests have same analyte, answer (pos/neg for H7) and method (probe.amp.tar); however, the procedure/target gene within is quite differnt. Should these kind of tests be splitted into two differnt LOINC mapping?


Hi Barry,

Please examine the HL7 messages of the outbound results, and determine how many OBX’s are generated and example answers are available. Also have at hand the package insert of the assays. Are you asking about result level or order level LOINC or both?

Looking forward to the discussion, Pam