I was looking up the LOINC code for a KUB, and while I was able to find the code I was looking for using the related names, I noticed a great deal of other AP view x-rays resulted with that same related name that did not seem related to a KUB. There seems to be a pattern of (almost) all AP view x-rays having KUB/Kidney-Ureter-Bladder as a related name. I just found this odd and worth noting in case I was missing something. A sampling of the codes that resulted in my search is below.
36571-8View AP Ankle Find Pt Doc XR
36573-4View AP Clavicle Find Pt Doc XR
36575-9View AP Femur Find Pt Doc XR
36576-7View AP Finger.fifth Find Pt Doc XR
36577-5View AP Finger.fourth Find Pt Doc XR
36578-3View AP Finger.third Find Pt Doc XR
36579-1View AP Foot Find Pt Doc XR
36580-9View AP Foot.bilateral Find Pt Doc XR
36581-7View AP Hip Find Pt Doc XR
36582-5View AP Hip.left Find Pt Doc XR
37726-7View AP Hip.right Find Pt Doc XR
36584-1View AP Knee Find Pt Doc XR
36585-8View AP Knee.bilateral Find Pt Doc XR
48462-6View AP Knee.left Find Pt Doc XR
48463-4View AP Knee.right Find Pt Doc XR
39048-4View AP Scapula Find Pt Doc XR
37842-2View AP Shoulder Find Pt Doc XR
36586-6View AP Shoulder.bilateral Find Pt Doc XR
36587-4View AP Shoulder.left Find Pt Doc XR
37798-6View AP Shoulder.right Find Pt Doc XR
69269-9View AP Skull Find Pt Doc XR
Thanks for any guidance you might be able to provide as to why these terms have KUB as a related name.