hi, i am looking to understand if i have a lab test results of specific test how can i know the Loinc code of that test?
(apologies for silly questions i do not have clinical or medical background, am newbie in clinical/med domain, so just looking to understand!)
Hello Kalpi,
Not a silly question. Have you visited our SearchLOINC web app yet? Go to https://loinc.org/search and log in with the LOINC username and password you already have. There are tons of options available. One approach is to search broadly and then use the filter function to weed out incorrect concepts.
LOINC concepts are often very granular and detailed. You may need to consult with a clinician or lab scientist to confirm the values of the concept are appropriate for the given observable.
thank you Tim, details are helpful!
Hello Kalpi and Welcome! You may find tutorials/webinars stored on the website helpful to get started. Let me know if you have a particular section of your local codes that you find difficult to map. I may have some tips and tricks for you.
Thank you so much Pam! i will surely look into the tutorials, and if any questions will reach out to you