Hi all,
I am working for assigning LOINC code for molecular tests. There are molecular tests report with some general comments within in my local hosp. e.g. comments, findings, conclusion. The result type would be freetext by clinicians.
I am planning to assign these tests with a more general LOINC code like:
50396-1 Molecular diagnostic major findings for display [Identifier] in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method Nominal
50397-9 Molecular diagnostic overall interpretation [Presence] in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method
19102-3 Genetics screen in Unspecified specimen by Molecular genetics method Narrative
However, I found there are quite a lot of restriction.
e.g. Difference in the property : freetext vs Prid
Component restriction: e.g. Genetics screen ← screening test only? how about confirmation test ?? :?:
Are there anyone working on molecualr tests LOINCing ?? Let’s share and discuss.
Barry Fong
Hi Barry,
For free text results, we recommend using narrative codes only. We have a few other codes that may work:
50398-7 Narrative diagnostic report Imp Pt Bld/Tiss Nar Molgen
62365-2 Diagnostic impression Imp Pt XXX Nar Molgen
69047-9 Geneticist review Imp Pt XXX Nar
69965-2 Clinical cytogeneticist review Imp Pt XXX Nar
59465-5 Pathologist review Imp Pt XXX Nar
I also agree that it doesn’t make sense to use a “genetic screen” code for a confirmation test. If you are unsure or think you need a new LOINC code, we welcome a submission (http://loinc.org/submissions). Please send example reports (de-identified) along with your requests.
Possibly of interest, the HL7 Clinical Genomics Workgroup is working on developing and implementing several models for reporting genetic testing results (for cytogenetics, genetic variations, gene expressions) as well as a guide for the overall Genetic Testing Report (GTR). You can view the CGWG discussion and documents here: http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/clingenomics/index.cfm
LOINC Content Developer