Frequent errors in LOINC

What are the usual problems you encounter with LOINC?

Hi Araminta, welcome to the Forum. You should know I’m the optimist in the room. So putting best foot forward in starting a LOINC project will help ensure success and reduce disappointment. Education is paramount in knowing the use cases for LOINC; it shouldn’t be treated as the tool/hammer for every interoperability issue. You also need the correct source material to find the six attributes of LOINC. If you have access to past conferences, please review stored presentations. There are articles and insight from several committee members at Scroll towards the bottom to see links for sample project plans.

My general advice is don’t operate in a vacuum, have multiple people at different levels involved from the very beginning and work towards a consensus of the tasks specific to your project.

Looking forward to your next post,


Lab LOINC committee c0-chair