Difference between 10160-0 and 8677-7

what is the difference in using the codes 10160-0 # History of Medication use Narrative and 8677-7 # History of Medication use?
please provide examples of use

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Thank you very much for the question and welcome to the Forum. The scale attribute is the only distinguishing factor between 10160-0 (nom) and 8677-7 (nar).

Nominal (nom) scale holds result formats as very short texts: Provided; Not Provided; No medications taken

Narrative (nar)scale however holds much larger amount of text; I could envision an actual list of medications, dosages and date last taken.

Reply here with further questions,
Hope this helps!

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Thank you
where can i read the description of the scales

The Knowledge Base contains all documentation for LOINC. Knowledge Base – LOINC
See the User’s Guide tile and under Chapter 2 Major Parts of a LOINC…you will find the scale attribute.

All the best,

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please tell me what values ​​should be in “8677-7 History of medication use”? any defined by our business processes?