I am familiar with the RELMA feature of viewing the analytes for a panel by selecting the right-click menu option “View Details” on a panel search result (the “Panel Hierarchy” section). Is there any chance a data file (in a spreadsheet format, access db, csv file, etc.?) is available with these hierarchichal relationships that can be used and processed outside the RELMA tool? I have seen threads with similar requests but did not see a response. Any help?
Yes, the panel/form structure is available as a separate download, but not every panel is contained there. We started with a key subset to get feedback on the file structure/format. We’d be happy to take suggestions on additional content you’d like to see included (e.g. all panels?) and whether you have suggestions about the file format.
The file is called “LOINC Panels and Forms File” and it is available as one of the Accessory Files in the LOINC distribution from the LOINC Downloads page:
Here is the current description of the file:
An export of a key subset of the Panels and Forms represented in LOINC. The entire package of this key subset is currently available, in addition to separate packages for Consumer Health panels and forms, HEDIS 2009 panels, the HL7 Clinical Genetics panels, Newborn Screening panels, US Government panels and forms (including the CMS survey instruments MDSv2, MDSv3, OASIS, and CARE), and Other Survey Instruments. The hierarchical structure is represented in the file by the PARENT_ID, ID and SEQUENCE fields. The root, or top level, records in the file are those records where the PARENT_ID = ID. The records are in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (compressed as a zip file) with separate worksheets (tabs) for the form structure, loinc code details, and answer lists.
any possibility to get the multi-axial hierarchy data in an excel sheet similarly as displayed in RELMA tool