Collection of Psychiatric assessment scales: submission announcement

Dear all,

I am here on behalf of OHDSI Psychiatry Working Group, which is going to submit to LOINC a collection of the most frequently used psychiatric scores and scales, which have not been standardized yet. We need them in order to allow researchers and physicians to generate evidence-based decisions in psychiatry on an equal footing with all other medical specialties. Before submitting we would like to provide the LOINC community with the list of candidates to become LOINC terms:

Psychiatric assessment tool - subscale number (if any):

Achenbach child behavior checklist - 18
Adolescent life change events scale - 0
Altman self-rating mania scale - 0
Angst self-report - 0
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder rating scale score - 0
Behavior assessment system for children - 0
Brief psychiatric rating scale - 0
Bush Francis catatonia rating scale - 0
Calgary depression scale for schizophrenia - 0
Childhood trauma questionnaire - 12
Children's loneliness scale - 0
Composite international diagnostic interview - 83
Conners comprehensive behavior rating scale - 0
Cornell medical index-health questionnaire - 0
Edwards personal preference schedule - 32
Ewha defense mechanism test - 40
Eysenck personality inventory - 6
Family environment scale - 0
Fear of тegative evaluation scale - 0
Geriatric depression scale - 0
Global assessment of functioning - 0
Hamilton anxiety rating scale - 0
Hamilton rating scale score for depression - 0
Hospital anxiety and depression scale - 0
Internet addiction scale - 0
Kim's frontal-executive function test - 8
Liebowitz social anxiety scale - 0
Medication adherence rating scale - 0
Michigan alcoholism screening test score - 0
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory - 26
Mood disorder questionnaire score - 0
Neuropsychiatric inventory questionnaire - 0
Personality diagnostic questionnaire - 0
Personality disorder questionnaire - 0
Piers-Harris children's self-concept scale - 0
Positive and negative syndrome scale - 66
Psychotic depression assessment scale - 0
Quick inventory of depressive symptomatology score - 0
Relationship assessment scale - 0
Rey-Kim memory test - 12
Social anxiety scale for children revised - 0
Social avoidance and distress scale - 0
Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory - 0
Standardized assessment of personality - 0
Ways of coping questionnaire - 0
Wechsler adult intelligence scale - 38
Wechsler memory scale - 10
Westside test anxiety scale - 0
Yale-Brown obsessive-compulsive scale - 0
Young mania rating scale score - 0
Zung self-rating depression scale score - 0
If you have any suggestions (e.g. other important psychiatric assessment instruments, which are not available in LOINC now) or comments, please share your thoughts here.

Best regards, Polina Talapova


Thank you for your interest in processing LOINC codes for various psychiatric scales and score terms! Please note that in general, we request that you submit separate submissions for each instrument, and we will need to sort out copyright prior to processing any request. The submitter is actively involved in seeking & obtaining copyright approval, which is needed prior to including in LOINC (if the instrument is copyrighted). Additionally, we advise requesting no more than 50 terms at a time unless we are doing the work as part of a contract. Feel free to contact us through our online form (, and we can set up a call to discuss further.

Thank you!

Thank you for the prompt reply and for the valuable information! We will take this under advisement and keep you informed about our progress on this front.


I work with Polina and want to clarify a bit. We don’t need the exact questions the scales are made from.
Our use case is to be able to keep a total score of scale or subscale.

In this case adding scale and subscale scores doesn’t need copyright approval, right?

Are scales without questions listed allowed by LOINC?

Hello, Dmitry and Polina, what is the status of these instruments in LOINC? I searched for a few of them and didn’t see them in the latest version. I’m a psychologist and would like to use some of these for research and evaluation.