Cardiac Catheterization

I hope someone can help me understand whether the two codes below are for the same concept (just different units listed) or there is a subtle difference.



LOINC 80234-8 — A-wave amplitude [Pressure] Right atrium … › …

LOINC Code 80234-8 A-wave amplitude [Pressure] Right atrium Cardiac … mitral or tricuspid valve into the ventricle (ventricular filling) during atrial contraction.


LOINC 8583-7 — Right atrial A-wave › …

LOINC Code 8583-7 Right atrial A-wave amplitude. … of blood through the mitral or tricuspid valve into the ventricle (ventricular filling) during atrial contraction.

Hi Marc,

The meaning of a single LOINC term is based on the 5 or 6 major Parts (Component, Property, Timing, System, Scale, +/- Method).

When comparing 80234-8 and 8583-7, you will see that the first one has a Method of cardiac catheterization, while the second is methodless, meaning that it represents Right atrial A-wave amplitude as measured by any method. The first code is more specific.
A wave amplitude:Pres:Pt:Heart.atrium.right:Qn:Cardiac catheterization
A wave amplitude:Pres:Pt:Heart.atrium.right:Qn:
