Can LOINC codes be grouped into hierarchies?

I was curious, can LOINC codes could be grouped into a tree like hierarchy with the most generic LOINC codes at the top and more specific LOINC codes as children lower in the tree. e.g.

[29463-7] Body weight (parent)
– [8341-0] Dry body weight Measured (A more specific code as the child)
– [8338-6] Body weight Measured --ante partum (Another more specific version of the parent code as the child)

If this is the case, is it possible to get a minimum list of the most generic LOINC codes that cover all or most other LOINC codes (or even all LOINC codes in a specific grouping like Clinical)?

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Hi Edmond,

there are several different ways that LOINC codes can be grouped depending on the level or granularity you desire to achieve in the grouping.

The highest level of granularity and also the easiest is to use the ClassType field which offers 4 levels:

  • 1 = Laboratory
  • 2 = Clinical
  • 3 = Claims Attachment
  • 4 = Survey

The next more granular way to group is to use the ComponentHierarchybysystem accessory file. This file contains a “PathToRoot” that allows you to find the highest level Loinc Part code for a given LOINC code. From this file you can programmatically determine the following first and second level parents:

|17428-4|Pentacarboxylporphyrins [Mass/time] in 24 hour Stool| fits into the following categories:

  • LP29693-6 | Laboratory |
  • LP343631-0 | Chemistry and Chemistry - challenge |

|19291-4|Cannabinoids cutoff [Mass/volume] in Urine for Screen method|

  • LP29693-6 | Laboratory |
  • LP7790-1 | Drug toxicology |

Based on personal experience, it is possible to build this type of first and second level parentage for laboratory, radiology, cardiology, cardiopulmonary, Dental, Opthalmology and optometry, and Respiratory concepts in LOINC. Attempting to categorized LOINC at a more granular level may not yield fruitful results, at least, for the use case I was working on it did not provide any benefit beyond a 3rd level.

I hope that helps.


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