April 2022 enhancements: versioning and translations

We have deployed to an update to the LOINC Terminology Service (TS) using HL7 FHIR. You can read the details at: https://loinc.org/news/announcing-new-features-for-loincs-terminology-service-using-hl7-fhir/

We welcome your feedback here or via email using https://loinc.org/contact/?t=fhir

Hi Tim,

Those improvements are really great and will help in many aspects.

My suggestion and request (to serve one of our use case “LOINC check post release”) is to include additional attributes from the LOINC data base structure href="https://loinc.org/kb/users-guide/loinc-database-structure/ (aka. LOINC table), such as CHNG_TYPE & CHANGE_REASON_PUBLIC.

If all attribute could be included in the FHIR terminology server, that would probably make it future proof for many use cases.

Thanks again for the last improvement, we also look forward the future ones :wink:

Best, Xavier

Checked it out, neat, thanks!

@Xavier Yes, absolutely! Our goal is to make available all the fields in the LOINC table. In terms of the TS, that is our next development priority.