Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor test

I am new to LOINC and I need to know the LOINC # for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor testing. I have searched the database for this test with 0 results. I have a number - 89408 - but I do not think that this correct as it does not have proper ending i.e. -number.

Can somebody please help me out?




Hi Michael,

I also do not find a blood pressure measurement for 89408-* or 8940-8; so let’s discard that. What are example answers of “Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor testing”? If you’re in RELMA for Blood Pressure, you’ll see postcoordinated systolic/diastolic, or individual fields for systolic or diastolic… there’s also orthostatic bp and a panel for either blood pressure or orthostatic blood pressure. I’m curious what “ambulatory” may have to do with it; there are different systems for facility or clinic notation, but usually the system of Patient or Arterial System satisfies a blood pressure case.

In general, it may help to use as few keywords as possible in your initial searches in RELMA to get the hang of it. Let me know how else I can assist in getting you grounded in LOINC work.

All the best, Pam