
This is good info. Thank you, Dr. Martin. Sivanersen, please let us know if you need further assistance.

Hi Tim and Michael. I have tried your approaches but still struggling with authentication in Python. My main objective is to download into csv format a list of all panel names and loinc panel code in 2 columns and associate each of of those panels with a loinc code for each test, so that I can pull each code for any loinc display name e.g. I would like to pull the loinc code for WBC from the correct hematology panel e.g. CBC W Auto Differential. I also tried postman but postman makes it difficult to extract in csv format and RELMA seems to mix up the text fields when pulling to csv. My apologies for the trouble. I am still learning the LOINC system. I will figure it out eventually but some guidance at this point may be appreciated. kind regards.

Sounds like you may want to skip the API (at least for now) and try consuming our Panels and Forms artifact. It’s already in CSV format. The following page describes the file in great detail.

Let us know how it goes.